Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Malaysia Week March 2009

Malaysia Week March 2009

In middle school we all have the opportunity to go on Malaysia week. This is when we all the grades are mixed up and we are sent off around Malaysia to have amazing adventures. There are many sites we can go on split into two types coastal and rainforest. We were asked to fill out a survey which showed our comforts and experience levels. Some of the questions were about lighting fires from scratch to sleeping under the stars to whether you needed a real toilet.

I was chosen to go on the most most challenging rainforest site. This was called Ulu Pearak and was a rafting adventure. Ulu Pearak is up on the Malaysian side of the border with Thailand we took a bus trip for 6 hours, then started a six hour hike which only took our group 3 hours and 45 minutes, it was hard but fun.

Our site was extreme we had to pack as little as we could into a small cloth backpack with uncomfortable rope straps. Everything had to be packed into zip lock bags before going in the backpack. It was hard to decide what to take and what to leave out.

For five days we were rafting for three to six hours everyday. We were in a dingy in teams of four with two guides. The rapids were level two to four and wild, it was wet and very tiring. In some places the water was two rough and we had to carry our packs and paddles and walk through the jungle to a safer bit of jungle.

Malaysia Week was the most tiring but the most times of my life so far I can not wait for next year to see what a coastal site will be like. The main word to describe the trip is